We welcome you to Preston Hollow Child Development Center! Preston Hollow United Methodist Church considers the Child Development Center a mission to the community and supports that mission through facilities and gifts of time and prayer.

  Preston Hollow Umc

Child Development Center




The philosophy of Preston Hollow Child Development Center is founded upon the principle that God has created each individual and that each child is a unique, precious child of God.  The Child Development Center is committed to providing an enriched environment in which:

  • Children’s creativity and curiosity is encouraged through a multitude of sensory experiences in a safe, supervised environment.
  • Pre-Academic curriculum is center-based for children to freely explore their play environment through thematic subjects that spark creativity and individualization.
  • Each child achieves individual success at his own rate of readiness.
  • Planned activities provide opportunities for growth in areas of emotional, social, cognitive, language, and physical development.
  • Self-esteem is bolstered through age- appropriate independence.  Children are encouraged to perform custodial activities to the best of their ability including:  dressing, eating, toileting, and social etiquette.